Tim Schafer is an absolute master of the Character Adventure genre. Because this type of game involves all of the typical aspects of gaming (mechanics, animation, design etc..) along with the more complexed aspects prevalent in films and literature (story plot, voice acting, humor, symbolism, etc..), this kind of game is considered the most difficult to make. To this day, this is the best example of the genre. A film noir set in the mythical lore of the nine underworlds and the day of the dead. This game has made me laugh and cry and Generally speaking, emotions arent really something that games are able to create that often. Especially for a game that was made in 1998. If you like this game, you should check out all of Schafers other games. Psychonauts, the Monkey Island series games, Sam and Max Hit the Road, Day of the Tentacle and even his new one Broken Age.